Is Your Daughter an "Artemis Type?"
In Greek mythology, Artemis is the Goddess of the hunt, a skilled archer and the protector of girls and young women. Unmarried, she wanders the forest with her pack of hounds and nymphs.
As an archetype, or pattern, girls who are "Artemis types" are free-spirited girls who love being outside in nature. These girls love animals, running, creativity and are often considered to be spunky. "Artemis types" often have a special bond with their fathers who delight in and encourage their independence and strength.
Girls today, as in the past, are often asked by culture and family to abandon this powerful, free-spirited part of themselves in favor of the adoption of more acceptable characteristics (as personified by Hera or Aphrodite). Being "nice," or defining herself as she is seen by men or boys takes on more importance as girls age.
I started Artemis Circle to create a safe and protected space for girls to gather and deepen their bonds with this part of themselves and other girls. We meet in nature and the girls wander, pause to go within, share with others, and express themselves creatively.
I am now forming a Thursday afternoon group from 4:00-5:30 in Fairfax for girls ages 11-14. Series of four meetings is $240. Please contact me if you'd like to explore your daughter joining us.
P.S. If you'd like to read more about how Goddesses (& Gods) express themselves in women (& men) today, check out the books of Jean Shinoda Bolen.